faux terrain represents a reality to me of me to be a me
I’m walking I’m walking I’m mistaking my materiality with a me
to be a me and believe to be – do you believe in me?
whereby I am actually becoming

in this papers the faces erased is
no content, impotent and rodent
character and drive in the body – gone
a figure of figures I figure
so powerless
are you me are you me are you just like me, just believing to be?

in isolation I can be guided in unification I found ground
faces lead masses
facelessness in faith unites
the faceless face of abuse in grimaces in ruins and bullet holes
in my soul, leave my soul, leave my soul
material distraction ruins spirits
spirits make numb
are you with me, still there with me?

renounce the faceless faces, the foreign power
dissolve in a mass of massive masslessness
and raise our faces, erase our races, erase your faces

I’ve lost my face says the pope to mussolini
I’ve lost my face says frieda to a medici
I’ve lost my face says socrates to heraclitus
be glad, isn’t it in nothingness where you’re everything


I consume, therefore I am
I follow, therefore I am
I obey, therefore I am
I suffer, therefore I am

I suffer with, therefore I am
I’m fucking with, therefore I am
I’m being fucked with, therefore I am

I love, therefore I am
I do, therefore I am
I give, therefore I am
I go on, therefore I am

Who’d have thought, I think and yet I’m not


keep things easy

what drama there might be about
what story may be told
get back to your feeling

what drama might be about
what history may be untold
get back to your feeling

keep things easy

gratis für Radio, TV, Rezensionen, aller Arten Promo

für alle anderen: pay what you like / bezahle was du möchtest

IBAN: CH46 0839 0035 1026 1000 8, Verein Die Diebe, Baselstrasse 61a, 6003 Luzern.

DIE DIE BE – ERASE THE FACE _description _english

ERASE THE FACE is the sequel to STOP THE STORY from the upcoming album FOR THOSE WHO SLEEP DREAMS ONLY COME TRUE AT NIGHT. Preorder here: lili@diediebe.ch

DIE DIE BE – ERASE THE FACE _beschrieb _deutsch

ERASE THE FACE ist die Fortsetzung nach STOP THE STORY des kommenden Albums FOR THOSE WHO SLEEP DREAMS ONLY COME TRUE AT NIGHT. Hier vorbestellen: lili@diediebe.ch

DIE DIE BE _english

Mater arose from the seed of a metal and the womb of a thought. Spirit crystallised from needs and hardenings. Both made music and wrote before their first breaths, perceived as true and false, often lost and corrupted to the core. In this a clear, fine idea, a constant, split and they drew another trajectory on their spirals, now a little closer together. So new life emerged in the form of sounds and concepts, on paper and vinyl, so hard, so virtual, so live in your environment. Mater sometimes appears in the form of Petra Galli and Lili Vanilly, Spirit can transform into Geri Weber and Bujar Berisha. The exercise of changing the state of aggregation, just as death is only one. Make that change then twice to be. DIE, Mater of materiality. DIE, Spirit of spirituality. BE.

DIE DIE BE _deutsch

Mater entstand aus dem Samen eines Metalles und dem Schoss eines Gedankens. Spirit kristallisierte sich aus Bedürfnissen und Verhärtungen. Beide musizierten und schrieben vor ihren ersten Atemzügen, nahmen wahr und falsch, verloren und verdarben bis in den Kern. Darin spaltete sich eine klare, feine Idee, eine Konstante, und sie zogen eine weitere Bahn auf ihren Spiralen, nun etwas näher beieinander. So entstand neues Leben in Form von Klängen und Begriffen, auf Papier und Vinyl, so hart, so virtuell, so auch live in deiner Umgebung. Mater erscheint manchmal in Form der Petra Galli und Lili Vanilly, Spirit kann sich in Geri Weber und Bujar Berisha verwandeln. Die Übung der Veränderung des Aggregatszustandes, so wie auch der Tod nur eine ist. Mach diese Veränderung dann zweimal, um zu sein. DIE, Mater der Materialität. DIE, Spirit der Spiritualität. BE.