News — 1′ Read


News — 1′ Read


this is the alarm clock of your slumber
and again it was just a dream, you think, and off the roof you fly
and again it was just an illusion, you see, and out of the smashed car you crawl
and again it was only the truth, you say, and the beating gets harsher

this is the alarm clock of your slumber
the thorny bushes lure with juicy green
the tree you climb is breaking
the greatest equals the smallest

how the sharpening of all senses strengthens
how the dream shows through variations
how the open heart explores deeply
to be awake is the key

Lyrical explanation to our song AWA KEY
The pictorial explanation is based on the drone footage of Simon Illi – thanks for that, Simon – and can be found on YouTube:

With love
Die Diebe
Mater and Spirit
Lili and Bujar

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